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  • $ We're so back

    We're so back

    by dweller - 2024-07-18

    That’s right, after years of stagnation this site is back! And we didn’t even lose that much data. Did anyone even notice that it was missing? Probably not, but I am excited nevertheless.

    What should you, the reader, expect? Well, there are a lot of externalities right now, so I can’t guarantee I won’t go radio internet silent again. All the same, I do have a list of things I want to post about that I’ve been keeping for a while. As always, it’s mostly tech related, but I was also thinking about posting some random stuff. Like talking about video games I played recently, rants and maybe even some pictures I took. I do need to add a gallery-like support to golog for the latter.

    Other than actual blog posts, I also plan to sanitize and publish more code projects for my public git portal (I don’t want to call it “forge”, I really dislike that terminology, what are you forging? Silicon? Are you melting your CPU? Or are you forging someone else’s code to pass it as yours? Actually that makes total sense. Especially in GitHub’s case.)

    All in all, the site is back up (I mean it was up, just with a “WIP” page) and plans have been made. Let’s see if I can deliver. OP has to deliver, right?

    See ya in another few years.